Monday, May 18, 2009

Go Green or Go Home

Everybody's doing it. Everybody's going green, you can call it a green revolution. Global warming has flipped the script. Quite frankly nobody cared about it before it was affecting their lives. Until it started getting hotter and hurricanes were getting more intense.  But now it affecting everything from sports, to business. Teams like the Philadephia eagles are launching green based initiatives to further promote going green. Businesses are using less paper and more technology based systems. 
Cars that used to be popular like hummers and Ford 150's are less in demand because of the amount of gas that they use.  How often do you see hummers anymore? The country is changing Dramatically because of the feeling that it could affect "ME". The way of life is changing, we used to be one of the most wasteful countries on the world, and we still are but to a lesser extent. America has changed over the past few decades.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sports start at a younger age.

Around the country children are starting sports earlier. From the young age of 4 children start to play flag football. Watching their favorite nfl stars and dreaming of being like them one day. The whole country is starting to follow the lead and Sign their kids up for sports younger. This could solve many problems, if more children around the united states sign up for sports then their will be less obesity in america. This is producing better athletes  with better skills because kids have been playing this sport for so long. I have personally been playing since i was 11 but i know people that have been playing since the age of 4. 
This is one of the reasons why Florida has become one of the most talent rich places in the country, especially south florida. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hardknock liffe.

The new t.v show hardknocks traing camp:cowboys. Is a new show on nfl network that shows the in and outs of trainnig camp in the nfl. With players like Terrel owens,adam pacman jones, and other misfits around the nfl the cowboys are never out of the news. Terrel owens has gone from team to team and according to some players and most of the media has ruined those teams. having a person like that on the show makes it more interesting. The show gives you insight into how the nfl works and what goes into putting a good team on the field.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's about that time.

It's all I can think about. We all know the feeling when you get a new video game or something like that and all you want do is go home and play it. That's how i feel About the first day of full contact, full pads. I cant wait to get that first hit and blow somebody up. People say football is a violent game, that it's barbaric. well damn right, when i go on that field and theres another team across from me, I turn into a soldier it's hit or be hit. win or (theres no other option.) Whats better, I wake and my mom's in my ear, then i go to school and my teachers are in my ear. But shit on that field im letting out all my frustration and everything i wanted to say to all those people that piss me off. It sounds cliche but this where you separate the men from the boys. Spring basically starts tomorow and It's time to start the yea off right.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lebron James in the nfl.

What if Lebron James were to choose to go to nfl instead of going to the Nba. Everybody has seen the recent commercial of Lebron getting drafted by the cleveland browns. After he wakes up he finds out it was dream but it leaves you saying Damn!!! what if. 6'8 with explosiveness great speed and quickness, those are things unheard of in the nba. Ive never heard of a 6'8 tight end or receiver with his dominating athleticism. He could have possibly been the best player in nfl history. Greatness, The possibilties would be crazy. Many players have been two sport athletes, Deion Sanders, Micheal jordan, Bo jackson, Lebron james? I have seen film of him playing basketball in high school. His talent was obvious.But how would you feel covering him? Knowing that the guy lined up across from is probably going to run by you and if you do keep up with him he will moss you, because he is 6'8. This will probably never happen , but i wonder how does it feel to be that raw and know that you can do whatever you want to do in any sport you want to play. Greatness.

D Wade for mvp.

The Nba is a changing game. There are more great athletes now than there have ever been before. With players like lebron james who is 6'8 and is probably the most athletic player in the league. 6'8!! That seems crazy to me, i have never seen anybody that tall personally and cant believe someone that big can move that fast he is a beast. BUT my argument isnt for him it is for Dwayne wade. An exceptional athlete himself, His game has come along way. I really believe that he can get to the rim at anytime he wants no matter who's in front of him. His 3 point shot has also gotten significantly better, and when his game is on nobody's stoping the heat. This is why he led the league in scoring, he proved to me and the rest of the world that he is going to be a legendar player.
Nobody has done more with a bad team around him than d WADE. Lebron and Kobe have great teams around them but the incredible leadership Dwayne Wade shows leasing his team to the 5th best record in the east is amazing. The mvp award stands for the most valuable player, and les just say if you take D wade off the heat, there Probably not going to win 20 games.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The team.

This year as a senior on my football team I am hoping to have the time of my life. Last year we lost in the playoffs by one fluke play but this year everything has to be perfect, as my coach says we ahve to do all the little things to win. People are saying that we dont have as much talent, but to me my teammates are all i need to win. Yes, we have a very young team this year but the seniors that we have just have to step our game up more. The memories that i will have after this year are going to be with me for the rest of my life, but even more if we win states.

Spring football.

It's about that time. When i get to strap up, go on the football field and show what i got. A time to earn my teammates respect, and to earn the respect of college coaches scouting our practices and our spring game. The hitting, the hardwork, and my coach yelling at me, man i miss it. this is the time of the year when football is most fun. Theres no long season attached its just go out and bust your ass for about two weeks. I can't wait, of course im alittle nervous because i have to impress some college coaches, but i have been working hard for the last few weeeks and i just want to show people what i can do.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Turn my swagg on

Now i know i said i didnt like soulja boy, but turn my swag has been my song for a minute now. most of you have heard that song and its become my theme song. When i get up in the morning, i hop up out the bed and turn my swagg on, but it usually doesnt kick in till like 2nd period, when i really wake up. But back to my point soulja boy is good for one good song every now and again, but most of his songs are just stupid, and the only time i would probably listen to them is when i need a good laugh.


If you had a chance to be commissioner for one day in the NFL. what would you do. Considering I would be in charge of some of my favorite players. And at first i would be more of a fan than a commisioner. But the first rule i would get rid of is roughing the passer. Football is a contact sport. so why should quarterbacks be playing flag football when everybody else is playing TACKLE football. Other than that I would change the celebration rule. Today the Nfl stands for the no fun league, but playing in my league, you can celebrate as much as you want. Players might even receive incentives if their celebrations are good enough. I might be the first commisioner to play in the nfl at the same time. But considering i am the commisioner i guess i can do whatevr i want.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

music changed my life.

music changed my mind. just when i thought it was dead it came back to life. Not all of it but just the people that i liked in the first place. It seems like everybody chose this time to step their game up. I was starting to get nervous because its hard for me to step my game up on the field without a good playlist., but they came through. yes Iceberg, Kanye west, Lil wayne, and i dont want to say it but i do vibe to souljas boy's "turn my swag on". You probably see me in school with my big ass headphones, and your probably like what is he listening too or not. But that ipod saves me everyday from the extreme boredom of cypress bay high school. haha without I'd probably go crazy.yes the new Iceberg mixtape is fire. (Fire meaning good for all yall that dont know, well now you Lil wayne, is killing it and Kanye is Kanye, i mean what more do i have to say. So next time you see me in school you know what im vibin to.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Rap thats me. Everybody has their own preferences when it comes to music, whether it be rock, country, rap, or whatever else their is out their. But when it comes to whats on my ipod, its all about the rap. From artist like lil wayne to young jeezy, and everybody in between. Some people might say they dont like rap, and to be completely honest with you some of the stuff that comes out is garbage, but when that one song comes out that everybody is listening to, you cant help but love the game. I've already talked about kanye west and how he is revolutionizing the game but who else do have on my favorite playlist. Well, you gotta have some Iceberg(miami based rapper), then drake my favorite new artist. Then their are the infamous dances like soulja boy's super man(which was really stupid), but its all good fun, if you cant bop or wutang nowadays then you cant dance. (Alot of people dont know what that means, so youtube it.) Music, my own mixtape.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bob sanders.

Pound for pound one of the toughest players in the league. At 5'8 208 pounds, Sanders isn't afraid to come up and hit. With his small frame, running backs around the league might underestimate his abilties. But underestimate his abilities and you might end up with a headache because this dude is no joke. He plays for the Indianapolis Colts and you could say he was one of the reasons they beat the chicago bears to win the super bowl. The colts defense, especially their run defense was horrific during the season, but the reinstallment of Bob sanders into their defense rejuvinated the team. As you can see I'm trying to use big words in my blog, but back to Bobby. Maybe it's just the last name because two of my favorite players have the last name sanders. Falling off the radar the past season, bobby is due for a big season this year.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chris Brown:Run It to Jail.

Although I listen to his music, I really did not want to talk about the recent situation between him and Rihanna. But hearing the latest info and how he could get up to 4 years in jail, i still dont want to talk about it, but i can't think about anything else to right on so Chris brown it is. All the rumors i've been hearing who knows what to believe. The way I was raised your not supposed to hit a girl, but i know how people could let their temper get the best of them in some situations, so chris brown i'm going to give you a break. Nobody really knows what you could do all the speculating you want, but until the real story comes out PLEASE dont come out with any more b.s. rumors. All I'm saying is that if chris brown goes to jail that means that i will not be able to listen to anymore of his music. damn.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


The term senioritis is b.s. Not wanting to go to school, not wanting to do my work, I’ve been feeling this way since freshman year. So to diagnose only seniors with senioritis, it is unfair to us underclassmen who have all the symptoms. I know this is not the time to be feeling like this, in the most important time of my highschool career but I cant help it. Especially when I’m taking three of the hardest classes I could possibly take, I’m starting to regret that decision. Maybe I need to stop being a little $$$$$, but theres nothing I can do about it, atleast that’s how I feel. And being sick the last few days didn’t help either. I know my future is in the balance, and that’s why I’m getting worried but I don’t know what to do. Maybe my teachers could take it aliitle easy on me, but that’s not going to happen. I have always worked hard to keep up my 3.5 gpa, but maybe it just is alittle bit too much. So if you want to call it senioritis, junioritis I don’t care it sucks.If anybody has any advise for your boy, comment.

P.S. Mrs stoklosa if you read this please don’t fail me.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mike vick?

Mike Vick, who? It might seem like a lifetime ago, but just a fews years ago he was tearing up the league. A black quarterback, alot of ignorant people might resent that but he did bring his team to the NFC Championship. For example a few years ago rush limbaugh made rascist remarks about black quarterbacks, especially donovan Mcnabb. A 4.3 40 at the quarterback position is unheard of, but he did his thing and went to the probowl 2 or 3 times. Yes, he did make a mistake with fighting pitbulls. But how come he goes to jail for a year, but the people who screwed up the nations economy, get to go free. All im saying is people do alot worse off things and do not get half the time he got, what's the reason you decide.

Some people say that when he comes back the only position he can play is wide receiver. But just like he did coming out of college, he will prove all the nay-sayers wrong, and that is the reason why Mike Vick is still one of my favorite players. He proved all the haters wrong, and when they said he couldnt he did it anyway. He inspires me to do the same thing and prove to the people that said I couldnt succeed wrong. So haters, get at me.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Greatest football player of all time.

If you asked this question to 100 different people you would probably get 100 answers. Everybody likes different things in a player, but my criteria might be alittle different from yours. I,m looking at swagger on and off the field, along with the most important thing, producing on the field. That's why I chose my boy Deion Sanders aka Primetime. You know you're the best when you can play a professional football game and in the same day play in a professional baseball game.

You cant say he didnt get it done on the field, with 53 career interceptions and high stepping with the ball in the air on his way to the endzone, his swagger changed the game.Nobody did it like Deion. Never shy, sometimes cocky maybe even over confident Deion was never afraid to let the media know what was on his mind. Sure there were alot of great players on the field, but off the field Deion was primetime.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

BCS or Playoffs

BCS or playoffs? A question that has everybody talking. Can we really determine the best college football team with the bcs system? I think the BCS system is flawes at every level. With the rise of smaller teams, and there being at least 3 upsets every week, it is increasingly harder for a team to go undefeated in college football. Too many teams are good
now-a-days to ask a team to go unblemished in a 11 games season. Asking a computer to judge the best teams, or the media guys that have never played a down of football to judge is not realistic.

A playoff system would end the debate every year of who is the best team. Instead of a computer or media making the decision it should be played out on the field. It would make more money than the BCS because fans would want to watch their team make it to the the top rather than smaller named schools inn bowls that nobody cares about. This year the BCS system lucked out when Florida, the best team in the nation, won the national championship; But next year when it doesnt work out perfectly everybody will again be asking the question, "Why hasn't college football changed over to playoffs yet?"

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Here we go again.

Another offseason, who said the football season was over. If you follow your favorite team and follow all the hype centered around the draft, combine and free agency, you know that the season is truly never over. Teams fighting over the best players, and players really showing you that it's all about the money. Everybody thinks they have a chance in the offseason. The past season might not have gone their way, but with some new firepower, every team thinks they can rise to the occasion. Consider this, the last two superbowls have involved teams that nobody gave a chance to make it to the big game.

The offseason is exciting, and football is the only sport that markets the offseason as the nfl does. They even have their own national tv network that plays twenty four, seven, 365. In the nfl, the football season truly never ends.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Kanye West, from nowhere to the top.

Many of you have heard of the rapper Kanye West, but not many know of his story. His arrogance style and overall flashiness is what makes you a fan or a hater. He is one of the best artist to hit the game in the last ten years. His Recent album release 808's and Heartbreaks got great reveiws, and i havent met a person that hasn't liked it. But thats the part that everybody sees, nobody sees the grind and the hard work he put in for all those years before he got famous. Spending countless hours in his room/ studio perfecting his art, kanye west became known as one of the best beat makers in the game, but did anybody think he can rap. I guess not, because jay-z signed him to only make beats for his tracks and not to rap. But just like everything else he has proved his place in the argument of the best rappers. Noboody thought he would make it big, except for himself and I guess thats all that matters.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kobe Bryant is still dominant.

Kobe, Kobe,Kobe, in light of his recent performance at the madison square garden, Kobe Bryant has reasserted himself as the most dominating scorer in the game. 61 points is just amazing. everyone hails lebron as the king, and dwayne wade as the future, but Kobe has done this throughout his whole career. Back when he won three championships with shaq and now in his twelfth year in the league, still dominating at what he does. Every basketball fan remembers when he put up 81 points back in 2006 angainst the tronto raptors, arguably the second greatest scoring performance in league history. It makes you wonder how does he do it?How in he world can he dominate for so long against the greatest player's in the world? The only reason you cannot quite yet put him on michael jordan's level of greatness, is because he does not have the championships to match up with jordan. All I'm saying is that if he keeps winning, keeps producing and and maybe even wins another championship, you might have to start considering him up there with the greats, like Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul jabar, and yes even michael jordan, whether you agree or not.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nfl combine, too much hype.

The nfl combine, is one tool for nfl scouts to basically interveiw high end nfl prospects looking to get drafted. AN affective tool, but in my opinion greatly overhyped. I believe a player should not be evaluated by how fast they run the 40 yard dash or high they can jump, but by what they do on the field. Advertising of the nfl combine has hyped it up to be the superbowl of the offseason. This puts immense pressure on the athletes taking place in this event.

The impact of the combine is has made its way into the high shool arena. Every year thousands of highschool football players make their way to combines. The 40 yard dash is the drill that is focused on by the media,it is an important measure of speed but not to the point that the media makes it to be. The 40 yard dash is mostly technique that if mastered could make you look all-world. All I'm saying is that the combine is overhyped to the point that media portrays it as the the only way to evaluate a player, and because of this the jump to the nfl for these combine allstars is not always an easy jump.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lil wayne releasing a rock album?

Lil wayne is one of the best lyricists in the rap game. For a period over the last few years he was hailed as the undisputed "best artist", but his last album THE CARTER 3 did not live up to the world of hype leading up to the release. His upcoming rock album has garnered much hype, and rightfully so, if produced right this could rejuvinate his career. Run DMC fused rock with hip hop back in the late 1980's and it helped their career imensely, Lil wayne has the same oppurtunity to reach out to a new brand of listener. No matter the outcome he will still be considered one of the best artists in the game.