Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Greatest football player of all time.

If you asked this question to 100 different people you would probably get 100 answers. Everybody likes different things in a player, but my criteria might be alittle different from yours. I,m looking at swagger on and off the field, along with the most important thing, producing on the field. That's why I chose my boy Deion Sanders aka Primetime. You know you're the best when you can play a professional football game and in the same day play in a professional baseball game.

You cant say he didnt get it done on the field, with 53 career interceptions and high stepping with the ball in the air on his way to the endzone, his swagger changed the game.Nobody did it like Deion. Never shy, sometimes cocky maybe even over confident Deion was never afraid to let the media know what was on his mind. Sure there were alot of great players on the field, but off the field Deion was primetime.

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