Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nfl combine, too much hype.

The nfl combine, is one tool for nfl scouts to basically interveiw high end nfl prospects looking to get drafted. AN affective tool, but in my opinion greatly overhyped. I believe a player should not be evaluated by how fast they run the 40 yard dash or high they can jump, but by what they do on the field. Advertising of the nfl combine has hyped it up to be the superbowl of the offseason. This puts immense pressure on the athletes taking place in this event.

The impact of the combine is has made its way into the high shool arena. Every year thousands of highschool football players make their way to combines. The 40 yard dash is the drill that is focused on by the media,it is an important measure of speed but not to the point that the media makes it to be. The 40 yard dash is mostly technique that if mastered could make you look all-world. All I'm saying is that the combine is overhyped to the point that media portrays it as the the only way to evaluate a player, and because of this the jump to the nfl for these combine allstars is not always an easy jump.


  1. The only reason that there is such a heavy enphasis put on how fast a player can run the 40 yard dash is because it has proven to correlate to success in the NFL. Look at any of the top skill postioned players in the league. Every one of them runs between a 4.3 and a 4.5. This event measures a player's explosiveness and if you ask me that is one of the most important skills needed in the NFL.

  2. Ok i hate how everyone thinks that the 40 yard dash means everything in the NFL, I can name so many players that ran sub 4.2's and dont do much on there teams players like Tye Hill of the Rams and Fabian Washington of the Ravens. The best known player for there combine is Vernon Gholston who hasnt done anything in the NFL even his cwork out results were out of this world. It shows that a smart player is better then a extremly athetic player guys like Zack Thomas and Hines Ward are perfect examples of the smart players, and the NFL needs more players like them.
